what is

TNR stands for TRAP NEUTER and RETURN. This is a program in which feral and/or free roaming cats are trapped, spayed/neutered, fully vaccinated including the rabies vaccine and have their ear tipped. (This is a procedure in which a small notch is taken from the top of the left ear). After surgery, the cat is released back into the area from where it was originally found. These cats are referred to as ‘community cats’, which simply means an unowned stray, friendly or feral (un-socialized) cat that lives outdoors. Many friendly cats are in the TNR Program because they are unable to find homes in the shelter. When the shelters become overcrowded, TNR is a better alternative for the cat when compared to euthanasia.
how can you help?
There are a number of different things that you could do to assist the facility with TNR efforts. The simplest way is to report feral or stray cats and if possible, bring in any cats that you see outside without an eartip. Donating food to help with the influx of cats coming in to the facility is always appreciated and much needed. Other ways to help include:
- Getting your owned cats spay/neutered, preferably before the age of 5 months to prevent pregnancy.
- Volunteer at the facility to help us socialize young kittens that are scared and unsure of human contact.
- Build shelters for cats in the community.
- Raise funds to support the TNR effort
- Educate you neighbors on why the TNR program is essential for our community.
- Become a Caretaker for Community Cats in your area.